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Колониалны коледжѣ

Матеріал з Вікіпедія

Колониалны коледжѣ —девять инштитуций высшого образованя в тринадцятьох америцкых колониях в добѣ до взнику США.

(днешня назва, кедь инша)
Колония Основана Цертификат Зачаток выукы (ступенѣ)
Новый коледж
(Гарвардова универзита)
Колония Массачузетского залива 1636 1650[1] 1642 (1642)
Коледж Виллиама и Марии Вирджинска колония 1693 1693[2] 1694[3]
Колегиална школа
(Йейлова универзита)
Коннектикутска колония 1701 1701[4] 1702 (1702 honorary MA) (1703 BA)[5]
Коледж Ню Джерзи
(Принстонска универзита)
Провинция Ню Джерзи 1746 1746[6] 1747 (1748)
Кральовскый коледж
(Колумбийска универзита)
Провинция Ню Йорк 1754 1754[7] 1754 (1758) [8]
Филаделфскый коледж
(Пенсилванска универзита)
Провинция Пенсилвания 1755 (college) 1755[9] 1755 (1757)
Коледж Род Айленда[10]
(Бравнова универзита)
Колония Род Айленда и Провиденс 1764 1764[11] 1765[12]
Кральовнин коледж
(Ратгерсова универзита)
Провинция Ню Джерзи 1766 1766[13] 1771 (1774)
Дартмутскый коледж Провинция Ню Гемпшир 1769 1769[14] 1768 (1771)
  1. The Charter of 1650. http://library.harvard.edu/university-archives/using-the-collections/online-resources/charter-of-1650. "In witness whereof, the Court hath caused the seal of the colony to be hereunto affixed. Dated the one and thirtieth day of the third month, called May, anno 1650."  Май названый третим мѣсяцьом, понеже подля тогдышного англицкого календаря рок ся зачинав 25 марца.
  2. Royal Charter. http://scdb.swem.wm.edu/wiki/index.php/Charter#Transcription_of_the_Royal_Charter. "Witness our-selves, at Westminster, the eighth day of February, in the fourth year of our reign."  Первый рок панованя Виллиама III. и Марии II. зачав ся 13. фебруара 1689 (нового штилу).
  3. Hall, David D., Cultures of Print: Essays in the History of the Book, Univ of Massachusetts Press, 1996, p. 131
  4. The Yale Corporation: Charter and Legislation. 1976. http://www.yale.edu/about/University-Charter.pdf. "By the Govrn, in Council & Representatives of his Majties Colony of Connecticut in Genrll Court Assembled, New-Haven, Octr 9: 1701" 
  5. Dexter, Franklin Bowditch, Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College: with annals of the college history, Holt, 1885, Volume 1, p.6, p.9, p.13. Nathaniel Chauncey, a Harvard BA Graduate, was awarded an honorary MA in 1702 (p. 9); John Hart was awarded a earned BA as "the first actual student in the College" (p. 13).
  6. The Charters and By-Laws of the Trustees of Princeton University. Princeton, NJ: The Princeton University Press. 1906. pp. 11–20. https://archive.org/details/chartersbylawsof00prin. "A Charter to Incorporate Sundry Persons to found a College pass'd the Great Seal of this Province of New Jersey ... the 22d October, 1746 ... The Charter thus mentioned has been lost ..." 
  7. Charters, acts and official documents together with the lease and re-lease by Trinity church of a portion of the King's farm. New York, Printed for the College. June 1895. pp. 10–24. https://archive.org/details/chartersactsoffi00colurich. "Witness our Trusty and well beloved'James De Lancey, Esq., our Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in chief in and over our Province of New York ... this thirty first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, and of our Reign the twenty eighth." 
  8. <Johnson, Samuel, Samuel Johnson, President of King's College; His Career and Writings, edited by Herbert and Carol Schneider, New York: Columbia University Press, 1929, Volume 4, p. 244 and p. 246 Того року записаны девять штуденты.
  9. Additional Charter of the College, &c.. 1791. pp. 1–7. http://www.archives.upenn.edu/primdocs/upa/upa3/upa3d1120all.pdf. "... The Trustees of the Academy and Charitable School in the Province of Pennsylvania ... by these our present letters and charter altered and changed ... shall be one community, corporation, and body politick, to have continuance for ever, by the name of The Trustees of the College, Academy, and Charitable School of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania; ... in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five." 
  10. Two and a half centuries of history. https://www.brown.edu/about/history. "Originally located in Warren, Rhode Island, and called the College of Rhode Island, Brown moved to its current spot on College Hill overlooking Providence in 1770 and was renamed in 1804 in recognition of a $5,000 gift from Nicholas Brown, a prominent Providence businessman and alumnus, Class of 1786." 
  11. The Charter of Brown University. 1945. p. 30. https://www.brown.edu/web/documents/charter-of-brown-university.pdf. "The next copy appears on pages 110-116 of the official records of the February Session, 1764, of the Assembly, known as the Schedules or the Acts, Resolves and Reports, which were printed at Newport by Samuel Hall and authenticated by the signature of the Secretary, Henry Ward, and the seal of the Colony, on March 12, 1764. ... Although the Charter states that it "shall be signed by the Governor and Secretary," this procedure was not ordinarily required to validate an act of the Assembly ... Consequently, the founding of Brown University dates from 1764 and not the time of the signature in 1765." 
  12. Hoeveler, David J., Creating the American Mind: Intellect and Politics in the Colonial Colleges, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007, p. 192
  13. Rutgers College: The celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its founding as Queens College, 1766-1916. [New Brunswick] : The College. May 1917. p. 66. https://archive.org/details/celebrationofone00rutgiala. "While neither the original charter of Queen's College, nor any copy of it, is known to be in existence, it is known that it was granted on November 10, 1766, in the name of King George the Third by His Excellency William Franklin, Governor of the Province of New Jersey." 
  14. Dartmouth College Charter. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/rauner/dartmouth/dc-charter.html. "In testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the public seal of our said province of New Hampshire to be hereunto affixed. Witness our trusty and well beloved John Wentworth, Esquire, Governor and commander-in-chief in and over our said province, [etc.], this thirteenth day of December, in the tenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord 1769." 

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